What happens to Kate at the end of The Thing?

Publish date: 2024-12-08

She was effectively left alive. Sure in the OG script, as written above, she died of exposure. but they changed that (even in the ending with the pilot it was different) She took a cat there but the thing also took a cat there. So she burns up the one (not exploding it) and then she has the other one.

Regarding this, Did Childs become The Thing?

The Missing Persons And Change of Clothes Theories

The test exonerates him, but Childs, who disappeared after passing the blood test, has a lot of explaining to do. The change of clothes theory states that Childs appears to be wearing a new set of clothes at the end of the film, evidence that he has been assimilated.

Then What happens to the girl at the end of The Thing 2011? Lloyd’s fate, like that of Childs and MacReady, is left mostly ambiguous, though it is possible that she survived with enough fuel in Halvorson’s snowcat to make it to the Soviet base where she would have been taken back to civilization.

Does anyone survive The Thing?

The Thing sports an open-ended conclusion, in which MacReady (frequent Carpenter collaborator Kurt Russell) and Childs (Keith David, future star of Carpenter’s They Live) are the only two characters still alive.

Subsequently, What happened to Fuchs in The Thing? (2) Fuchs killed himself by setting himself on fire with the lighted flare he had after a near-attack from the Thing who either followed him outside or was already outside waiting for him. The Thing may have tried to attack Fuchs, and in response Fuchs killed himself to prevent that from happening.

Was Childs The Monster at the End of The Thing?

John Carpenter’s classic sci-fi/horror film The Thing ends with MacReady and Childs both alive, but the official Thing video game reveals their fate. John Carpenter’s classic sci-fi/horror film The Thing ends with MacReady and Childs both alive, but the official Thing video game reveals their fate.

What happened in the end of The Thing?

One ending explanation, believed by some, is that Childs has been infected and is the creature. He did disappear off-screen for the film’s climactic ending, when MacReady destroys the alien along with the camp, and we only get to see him now after the fact.

Was Childs or MacReady The Thing?

Character information

― Childs’ response to MacReady’s hot needle test. Childs was a mechanic stationed at the American Antarctic research station, U.S. Outpost 31. The main deuteragonist of the 1982 film The Thing, he was was portrayed by actor Keith David.

How did Lars survive The Thing?

(1) Lars was knocked out by Carter and Jameson, in which case they took the flamethrower from him, and he woke up at some point later on. (2) When Lars was attacked, he was taken by surprise and unable to react properly, so Carter and Jameson took the flamethrower by force.

Is Childs The Thing at the end?

He did disappear off-screen for the film’s climactic ending, when MacReady destroys the alien along with the camp, and we only get to see him now after the fact. When MacReady enters the shed, Childs is there at just about the same time.

Who survived The Thing 1982?

Who is “The Thing”? The question has given movie fans conniptions for years. At the end of John Carpenter’s 1982 horror classic, we’re left with two survivors, MacReady (Kurt Russell) and Childs (Keith David).

How did Blair get infected in The Thing?

Scenario 2 – Blair was infected at some point by Norris or Palmer, when he was locked in the tool shed. This probably would have occurred during the hour-long blackout when a fuse was blown (probably by the Norris-Thing) and Fuchs died.

Who destroyed the blood in The Thing?

Therefore Palmer was most likely The Thing that sabotaged the blood supply. Windows gets the keys from Garry and when he returns, he drops them after seeing Bennings getting assimilated.

What is the Norwegian saying in The Thing?

During the opening of John Carpenter’s “The Thing” (1980), the “crazed” Norwegian that accidentally shoots one of the expedition members shouts “Get the hell away from that thing. That’s not a dog, it’s some sort of thing! It’s imitating a dog, it isn’t real! GET AWAY YOU IDIOTS!!”

Who sabotaged the blood in The Thing?

Therefore Palmer was most likely The Thing that sabotaged the blood supply. Windows gets the keys from Garry and when he returns, he drops them after seeing Bennings getting assimilated.

Who is the silhouette in The Thing?

Palmer was an assistant mechanic stationed at American Antarctic research station, U.S. Outpost 31. The character appears in the 1982 film The Thing and was portrayed by actor David Clennon.

What happened to Fuchs?

There are existing stills of an alternate death for Fuchs. Like in the film, exactly what happened would be ambiguous and open to interpretation, but rather than finding his corpse being found burned in the snow, he would have been found in a greenhouse impaled by a shovel. The scene has never been released.

What happened to Kurt Russell at the end of The Thing?

“The Thing” famously ends with MacReady (Kurt Russell) and Childs (Keith David), sharing an uneasy moment by the fire. Their Antarctic research station is burning to the ground and once the flames die down, they will freeze to death.

Why does MacReady laugh at the end of The Thing?

A Redditor explains: When Childs sips [the drink] MacReady starts laughing, while Childs responds in kind. In some versions of this interpretation, MacReady still has his flamethrower hidden at the ready, while in others he’s unarmed and too weak to fight so can do nothing but laugh as he realizes he’s lost.

How does The Thing end 1982?

“The Thing” famously ends with MacReady (Kurt Russell) and Childs (Keith David), sharing an uneasy moment by the fire. Their Antarctic research station is burning to the ground and once the flames die down, they will freeze to death.

What is the Norwegian shouting in The Thing?

During the opening of John Carpenter’s “The Thing” (1980), the “crazed” Norwegian that accidentally shoots one of the expedition members shouts “Get the hell away from that thing. That’s not a dog, it’s some sort of thing! It’s imitating a dog, it isn’t real! GET AWAY YOU IDIOTS!!”

Is Childs infected at the end of The Thing?

[The Thing (1982)] Childs was infected with the Thing, but MacReady’s test didn’t work on him because it hadn’t completely taken him over. At the end of the film, Macgready offers Childs a drink after they’ve been separated, and Childs drinks it.

Was MacReady infected in The Thing?

According his commentary track on the film’s DVD, Thing director John Carpenter briefly considered having MacReady become infected, but ultimately chose to go with a deliberately ambiguous ending (one that we like to imagine has the non-infected characters eventually succumbing to the sub-zero temperatures).

Was Clark The Thing?

Clark was a dog handler stationed at American Antarctic research station, U.S. Outpost 31. The character appears in the 1982 film The Thing and was portrayed by actor Richard Masur. His fate is also briefly touched upon in the 1991 comic series The Thing From Another World.
